Monday 26 November 2012

Chris Brown launches VILE attack over Rihanna on Twitter before deleting his account.

Chris unleashed filth online, like the ignorant tit that he is truly is

Chris Brown has deleted his Twitter account following a disgusting attack on a woman who hit out at the star over his violent past.
He had been having a pretty good day, with Rihanna tweeting a snap of him in bed - essentially confirming their romance.
When the picture appeared to rile a number of people online, Chris simply wrote 'Just ask Rihanna if she mad??????' before cracking on with things.
But when someone responded to another of his tweets in a negative manner, it's safe to say the singer lost it. Like, really lost it.
When Chris wrote the message 'I look old as f***! I'm only 23...', writer Jenny Johnson replied: 'I know! Being a worthless piece of s*** can really age a person'.

Rihanna Tweeted This Snap Yesterday
Well, Chris didn't think that was very funny.
He told her in response: 'Take them teeth out when u sucking my d*** HOE.'
Hmm, vile and sexist. A solid start from Chris there.
He continued: 'mom says hello... She told me not to s*** in ur mouth, wanted me to s*** right on the retina.
'I should fart while ur giving me t**.'
Oh Chris. Talk about proving someone right.
Following the entirely disgusting outburst - which just goes to show how truly undeserving Chris is (of Rihanna, fame, his millions and his nice dog) - Jenny Johnson just laughed it off.
She wrote: 'It's "HO" not "HOE" you ignorant f***.'
'I have zero respect for a person who seems unapologetic for the terrible crime he committed and shows no signs of changing.
And she finished off with: 'Okay. I'm done. All I got from that exchange with Chris Brown is that he wants to s*** and fart on me'.
Meanwhile Rihanna was busy hanging out wit Fans in London outside the X-Factor
Many of us are struggling to move on from the attack, even if Rihanna has forgiven Chris
Minutes after his vile attack, Chris decided/was blatantly forced to delete his account, no doubt hanging his head while he got a huge telling off by his management.
Meanwhile, Rihanna retweeted the message: 'Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negative shit.'
She doesn't help herself, does she?

SOURCE: Mirror

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