Thursday 25 October 2012

Anambra State: Two More Kidnappers/Armed Robbers Houses Destroyed By Gov. Obi

AWKA—TWO houses belonging to a suspected robbery and kidnap kingpin, Mr. Emeka Ezekude, were, yesterday, demolished at Umuatu, Uli in Ihiala local government area of Anambra State, with the people of the community commending Governor Peter Obi for the action.
One of the buildings, a nine-bedroom executive bungalow, was still at the finishing stage, while the other was a four bedroom bungalow.
Some people who spoke with Vanguard in the community, said the construction of the executive bungalow was begun barely fa ew months ago.
The suspect was said to belong to the notorious kidnap gang, led by the late Olisa Ifejika, alias Ofeakwu, whose mansions were demolished at Oraifite in Ekwusigo local government area two months ago.
Olisa Ifedike & Gang member
Ifejika was said to have named Ezekude as a member of his gang while being interrogated by the police and investigations led to the discovery of large quantity of arms and ammunition in his house at Uli.
Ezekude, 40, married with five children, was said to be involved in the delivery of sand to building contractors, while his main business was armed robbery and kidnapping.
Items recovered from the house include one rocket grenade, three grenade propellers, two A.K. 47 rifles, zero six riffle, 27 A.K 47 magazines, 170 rounds of live ammunition and nine chains used in restraining kidnap victims. The arms and ammunition were hidden underground in plastic containers in his premises.
Yesterday’s demolition brings to three the number of houses belonging to criminals pulled down in Anambra State.
Governor Peter Obi, who led the demolition yesterday, said it was part of the war against kidnapping and other crimes in the state, insisting that any building linked with kidnapping and armed robbery  would be demolished.
He made it clear that government would not allow anybody to benefit from proceeds of kidnap and other forms of crime, assuring that government was already winning the battle as the wave of kidnap across the state had drastically reduced.
He commended the police and other security agents for their sustained efforts to rid the state of criminals and hoodlums, assuring of continued government support to security operatives.
Deputy commissioner of police in charge of operations, Mr. Ayole Abeh, who accompanied the governor to Uli for the exercise, explained that the suspect confessed to being an armed robber and a kidnapper during interrogation.

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