Saturday 27 October 2012

Range Rover Ambassador Genevieve Nnaji, to return brand new Evogue


In June 2012, Nollywood actress Genevieve Nnaji was unveiled as the brand ambassador of Range Rover Evogue and we all heard she got $100, 000 and a brand new Evogue from the deal. But new facts have emerged about the endorsement deal and I got this direct from inside sources.
Genevieve was offered one of two deals by Coscharis Motors; (1) Take $100, 000 and drive a brand new Evoque for only six months after which she will return it or (2) Take $50, 000 and a brand new Evogue valued at over N10million which she can keep.
I heard the actress took the former, (she already has very expensive cars) so will eventually return the SUV.
Smart choice girl, or what do you think?

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