Saturday 27 October 2012

P-Square react to rumours they sacrificed mum for fame.


Ever since Mrs Josephine Okoye, mother to rave twins, P-Square, died a few months back, there have been funny stories in some circles. Some feelers are of the opinion that the duo sacrificed their mum for more fame and money.
P-Square have now decided to react to the story, via an official press release which read: “We feel so bad to know that our mum is no more. But who are we to question the Almighty God. Traditionally, we are supposed to bury her and not the other way round. It is just that it happened so soon. Indeed, her death was a big blow to us.
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“Then, it is too bad to hear that people are accusing us of being responsible for our mum’s death. We are not blaming anybody. People are free to say what they want to say. We begin to wonder whether there is anything that will ever make us to go for the life of our beloved mother.
“Her life cannot be quantified in terms of money or fame. So, our answer to this question is that we have no hand in our mum’s death. We only blame the death that snatched her away from us if not so, people won’t be pointing accusing fingers at us. She died after a brief illness.”

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